Thursday, March 1, 2007

In like a lamb...

Hello...not much new to say today, but boy...I got a little bitchy yesterday, didn't I?
Oh well...I needed to vent. Better to do it here in print than to take it out on my friends and co-workers...
I will complete Chapter Three on Saturday, my next day off, if all goes well. There'll be a full moon that day so hopefully my creative juices will be at a peak.
I like to drum...on Saturday, they will be holding a drum circle at Myrtle Beach State Park. Michael and I have been going to the last three that they've had there and we've enjoyed them very much. I won't be able to attend the one this Saturday because Michael is still recouperating from his surgery and, as i have stated in the previous post, I don't have a car! I suppose I could walk's really not that far from where I live. But the drum circle is kind of the thing that Michael and I do together and I think I would miss him if I went without him. Besides...I think I'd like to devote the entire day to the book. That would be nice.
You know...that's really about all I have to say! Surprised? too...I just wanted to make a post on the first day of the month and to officially start my BIG MOVE countdown. On April 1, I will be all moved into my new place, if all goes well. I'm going to try to start packing things up this week so I don't have a big fat mess at the end of the month.
I will keep you posted on my progress.
Have a great day!

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