Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Good Day

Well...I wrote Chapter Four out today and I must say I am most pleased with it. I think it's one of the cooler chapters in the book. It starts out with our first real look at the sorcerer Zabarelle and examines his motives which are based on greed and power. I try, through his thoughts, to justify his behavior (which is another good reason why I think it was a good choice to write this as a novel rather than a graphic novel. It's much easier to get inside people's heads and explore their thought processes), even though I basically think he's pretty well fucked up in his spirituality and his views on magick.
I then introduce the Monkey Pawn, who is the beloved puppet-president of the Billowy Wood and I explore the contrast between what he says and what he feels. He comes across as a powerful leader, bravely taking his country into war...but inside, he's very much a scared little child who dreads the impending doom.
I then go back into the bedroom with Starchaser and Bradley who are sharing some playful pillow talk the morning after their first night of magickal sex.
I just like the contrast of the acts in this chapter. It starts out very heavy with talk of an the coming war and ends and ends, rather lightheartedly, with out witchy couple rolling around on the bed and crashing onto the floor. I just like the way it wraps together.
If I ever get around to making the chapters public, you'll see what I mean...
Blessed be!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Absence Makes the Soul Grow Stronger

Look at me! I'm back! After a two month adjustment period to the new place that I'm living as well as other things, I am happy to say that I have returned to writing the book yesterday. I just finished the second half of Chapter Three but hey! The magic is still there! The writing went very smooth and it's still better'n sex.
In fact, I'm happy to report that I have had a creative upswing as of late in a variety of media...I've done several paintings, a couple of box, wrote a few songs. It's been great! I don't know why these things happen the way they do...I'm just grateful for when they come because, like I said...when the creative juices start flowing, I'm not quite sure where they're coming from or what the end product will's like I'm channeling it from some other source...a very strange and yet wonderful feeling.
I've also started a sister blog on Yahoo at . It's not so much about the book as it is the spirit behind the book and, ultimately, behind my life. Check it out, kiddies!
Well...that's all for now, kids...I'll try to post soon!
Take care!