Thursday, April 5, 2007

Working to Unwind

Hello...this will be short today. The big move is finally over and the new place seems nice and all. I'm still a bit disheveled by it and the breakup of my routine and all. I haven't been getting as much sleep as I like. I've always had trouble sleeping in strange places so I guess I just have to adjust.
It seems like a good fit though. I'm just waiting for my nerves and everything to calm down so I can get back to the task at hand...writing The Perfect Star. I figure I'll give it another week before I tackle the next chapter. I should be sufficiently unwound by then. I can't wait to get back into it!
I just wish I could find that man...that perfect man who's going to be so totally into my work and so supportive. I have a feeling he may be just around the corner...who knows about these things... ? Just a hunch...
At any rate, he will be my true inspiration.
Gawrd I'm such an idealist. But's the only way to be, really.
Take care!

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