Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Still Unwinding...

Hello! Thought I'd put in a post in case anyone was reading and wondered what the hell happened to me. For one, I'm not on the internet as much due to the fact that I moved somewhere that's farther away from the Center Project, which is where I do most of my "interneting." And also, sadly, because I haven't been working on the book because I'm still a bit unwound from the move. Once my room mate moves in, I'm hoping things will become more settled.

I just haven't been as spiritual as I would like to be due to the needs of the mundane in my life in the moment, which is fine...because we alkl have mundane things that we need to take care of...that's life, but...hey...I will be very happy when I can concentrate on the spiritual again...because I do do love it when my mind is in the spiritual plane. I'm so much more at home there...but you know what? Even when I'm not "on" spiritually, it's still there...and always a part of me. That's the wonderful thing, I think, about finding the belief sytem that is truly your own. Your spirit is still strong even during the times when you can't tend to it. When you're strong, you take care of your spirit...and when you're weak...it takes care of you.
Sounds kinda like karma, doesn't it?

And my mind can't help right now but to think about all those spirits up at that college in Virginia who were snuffed out by that crazed madman yesterday. It's so pointless and senseless...and scary. It's a crazy world we live in and...know this...all of the craziest people are running free on the outside and not getting the psychiatric help they need.

But it's like I told Michael...yes...it is a terrible thing...but you must keep in mind...a gunman can only take away their physical beings. He can't even lay a finger on their souls and their souls are still strong...always...and they have moved on to the next level of enlightenment. Bright blessings to them all...

Yeah....my spirit...it's still there...shining through all the murk...and that's what makes it all so incredibly wonderful at the end of the day.

Till next time...
Blessed be!

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