Tuesday, February 27, 2007

If at first...

Okay...I started writing a post yesterday and I didn't like the direction it was going in...I was in a weird mood yesterday and I thought it came off a little bitchy. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with bitchy. It just wasn't a productive kinda bitchy where I felt my rants were actually cathartic or anything. So...I said...wait a day.

I really wasn't in a bad mood. I don't think I've been in a bad mood since I started reading the Power of Now book. Heck...work has been such a breeze now that I've conditioned myself not to take it so seriously. I even got a raise the other day and lots of compliments on the job I was doing. The Power of Now...it seems to be working. Thanks, Robert!

And so today, I will try to succeed where I had failed so wonderfully yesterday. I will indeed write a post that could serve as therapy for me. Like I said, the prevailing mood for me this week is not a bad mood but rather what I would call a "plastique" mood...in other words, I haven't really been digging too deep into my thoughts this week or coming up with any useful insights for the book. It's not a big deal, though...I still feel very spiritual and I know I can't be "on" all the time...so perhaps this is my mind's way of telling me I need to rest a bit. Thinking too much can be very unhealthy I am told.

Still...I feel I must post, for tomorrow I will be off work and I will embark on Chapter Three of the book, which may, indeed, be the most difficult chapter to write because it's the one where I lay all the groundwork for the oncoming "Glorious War." Isn't that a crazy turn of a phrase? When is a war ever really glorious? I think the name of a "Glorious War" is an original one. Who knows? Maybe somewhere along the line I read about a glorious war and subconciously stored it in my memory. Oh well! I will try to pass it off as my own anyway!

Seeing as how nobody who could be reading this, with the exception of me, has even heard the story, I feel maybe a little explanation of the "Glorious War" is in order. Besides which, it may get my creative juices flowing again for a smoother writing experience tomorrow. Let's see...how to begin?

The Billowy Wood is a magical enchanted realm (originally I wanted to call this book "Enchanted," as a matter of fact, but I found out that there is a film coming out some time this year with that name. As it turns out, I like The Perfect Star a lot better anyway!)...anyhoo...it's an enchanted realm where elves, faeries and humans, among others, have lived together peacefully for ages, until a stranger name Roberton, from the Earthen realm, somehow gained entry into the wood with his two sons, Zabarelle and Advantara. He saw the humans in this realm as being very weak and he quickly set out to impress and brainwash them with his vast expertise in ceremonial magic.

He quickly conned the local humans into building a vast city of gold which would thereto be known as "The Golden Walls." With the promise of spiritual enlightenment and great monetary gain, he conned the humans into mining all the gold in the wood and moving it to the city. He then taught them about economics, commerce and about just how just how nice it would be if they could have everything their little hearts desired. Basically, he taught them the noble concept of greed. Greed was good, he was say. Greed was God's will. Thus, the concept of unchecked capitalism was introduced to the whole of the Billowy Wood.

So the good folk of the wood worked hard for their dreams of gold as Roberton ruled over them with a very firm grasp on all the profits being made from their many ventures. He was very proud of himself for taming the noble savages of the wood.

But, alas, on a fateful trip to expand his vast borders in the wood, Roberton came across and ocean where a mighty sea monster battled with him and sealed his fate by encasing him in a large shard of glass. News of his death brought a great sadness upon the humans of the wood and also brought his two sons, the young sorcerers Zabarelle and Advantara into power. The two brothers were not trusted by folk of the wood like their father was and they also didn't trust each other. In fact, this mistrust grew and grew until they ended up splitting the Billowy Wood into two with Zabarelle ruling one half and Advantara the other. They also divided the city of the golden walls in half as well.

In order to better cement their hold over the humans, both sorcerers launched a spiritual campaign against each other. Zabarelle told all his people that the elves of the Billowy Wood were on their side and that they would use their magic to secure a great economic future for all who followed him. Advantara told his people that the faeries were their spiritual guides and that, if they followed him, the faeries would shower them all with riches. Of course, in reality, the faeires and the elves wanted NOTHING to do with any of these silly humans and their ridiculous greedy little schemes, but they could not tell them so because communication with the greedy humans was very difficult. You see, the humans could not hear the elves speak and assumed they were all mute and they could not see the faeries and just assumed they were all invisible to the naked eye. The only way a human could see or hear an elf or faerie is if he or she had been blessed with The New Awareness.

Anyhow, to further secure their magical hold on the people, the brothers each kidnapped the leaders of their respective spiritualities and imprisoned them in towers in an effort to drain their magic to use for their own greedy purposes. This act, of course, pleased the elves and faeries even less, prompting them to seek out the help of The Perfect Star to restore order in the wood.

Well...gradually the brothers grew very distrustful of each other and secretly plotted to have the riches of the entire wood all to themselves. Thus, the first rumblings of The Glorious War were soon heard.

Sound familiar? A War based on greedy purposes? That stuff never really happens, does it? Sarcasm. And yes...this is pretty much a parody on a certain war that is being fought right now all over control of another very valuable substance.

Well...hey...that's enough for now, but you get that idea...and writing this has really got me primed for Chapter Three. Have a great day!

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