Monday, February 19, 2007

Michael is okay and all is well...stay tuned!

Michael called me on Thursday night, the night of his operation (I was surprised to hear from him so soon). He's doing well. He's in a lot of pain, but he seems to be in good spirits. He's still as sassy as ever, that's for dang sure. Women! He'll have to stay in the hospital for about a week or so to rehabilitate...learn how to walk again...all that good stuff. But he's gonna be fine!
Of course I knew he'd be okay all along, but somehow that doesn't stop me from worrying.

Anyway...I actually have two days off this week so...Yippee! More time to work on the book! I hope to get through Chapter 3 by Thursday. I have to get my mind back in Perfect Star mode now, what with friends being hospitalized and me possibly moving to a new place, it's been kind of hectic. Yes, dear reader...I'm thinking about moving in with a friend who's just bought a new house. The place I'm staying now has too much negative energy going on in it. I need to live more in the light...more around postive people who won't bring me down. Again...stay tuned!

I also started reading this book that my friend Robert, who has been posting on this blog regularly, gave me. It's called The Power of Now, the condensed version, and darn it all, I don't remember the author's name again and I don't have it on me. I will post it here later as a correction or something. It's a darned good book, though, so far. I've just read the first section thus far. It's a short read so I could probably get through it in one night, but the author suggests that you take your time with fully absorb his wisdom, I guess.
He is wise, though. It's a good book thus far. I find it to be kind of Buddhist in nature. If I understand it correctly so far, in order to find true enlightenment, you need to turn off your conscious thinking mind for a while and be very still. It is when you go into this state of stillness that you can hear your concious mind speak and actually listen to what it's telling you and realize that what it has to say, is really not all that important in the overall scheme of things. You see, we are all one, anything and everything that is around's all from the same big picture, which is very much connected. And the only way we can ever hope to catch a glimpse of this big picture is to get that voice in our head to shut the heck up for a while so that we can truly discover the essence of all that is and what role we play. You need to turn off your ego for a while and surrender yourself to it...then and only then can you begin to understand it all...if, in fact, it even needs to be understood. Only when you shut off your mind can you truly find peace.

At least...that's how I comprehended the first chapter. At any rate, it helped me. I've been practcicing closing off my mind on my walk into work this morning and you know what? I do believe it work. By the time I got to work, I felt the same sense of peace and refreshment that I feel after a good meditation. It was great! My work day went very smooth...I got along with everyone much better than I have been lately and I actually enjoyed work!!!
So I would like to thank you, Robert, for the book, and yes, I will actually read the rest of it and give you my honest opinion. I was skeptical at first, but I think I am getting something out of it.
I also would like to wish Robert well, too, as he will be going into the hospital at the beginning of March and spending about a week there as well, so again I will worry. But I know he'll be okay too, because he is also very strong in mind and spirit and because I know he read The Power of Now as well. So take care, Robert...I will be sending energy your way as well.
well, everyone...take care...and soon I will post a report on Chapter 2. Stay tuned!

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