Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Perfect Star Time Line

Hello! This is me! Mark aka whispurr and welcome to The Perfect Star blog. This blog will serve two purposes. will let you good folks know how I'm coming along on the ole graphic novel that I'm always talking about. will give me a good swift boot in the ass to work on the book more, because to tell you the truth, I kinda hit a little snag that, hopefully, I will soon write my way out of. I ended that sentence with a preposition, I know...sue me! a sort of an introduction this this, let me tell tell you how the writing process has gone thus far. I started this story a little over a year ago on the shores of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I took a small notebook and a pen down to the ocean and I let my muse guide me.
I started it out as a little fable about elves, faeries and witches and all things magickal and, from there, it kinda snowballed into this massive epic tale about war, greed and spiritual identity. It's kinda funny...kinda serious...kinda's a little bit of a lot of things which will probably render it unsellable by most publishers.
Oh well!
I'm not writing it for them. This is an excercise in my own self amusement.
It's definitely a parody. It takes place in a mystical land called the Billowy Wood, where a war based on human greed is taking place and where things are being ruled by a short and not-so-bright little monkey. Sound familiar?
And yet I also wanted to cast a good light on witches. I had just seen the movie The Chronicles of Narnia not too long before starting the book and I was kinda disappointed that it was yet another movie that featured a wicked witch as a major villian. I mean...come on, already! With this story, I wanted to blast a few myths about witches clean out of the water. One myth is that witches are all evil. News flash...most witches are just as normal and just as nice as any other human beings. As a matter of fact, they are all around us and we don't even know it. Heck! I'm one of them. Another myth is that witches are all female. Please! This definitely isn't the case. Exhibit A: Me again! What can I say? I'm the witch that I know best. story features a male witch in a positive light. Oh yeah...and he's gay! this book is ever gonna get published!
I don't care! progress...first I wrote and re-wrote the basic story line for the novel. This took about three months. I wrote most of it either on the beach or at the cafes of the local Barnes and Noble and Books-A-Million. Bookstores, for some reason, are a great place to find positive creative energy. Give it a try some time. See what you come up with.
After the write and re-write, I started doing the rough layouts. To give you an idea of how long this story is, I'm still doing rough layouts! Don't worry! I won't force my long-assed labor of love on any of you. If you wanna read it, let me know. I'll be flattered! Otherwise, it's okay, too. I realize it would be asking a lot especially if you don't care for long, self absorbed pieces of whatever...It would be nice if you did keep up with my blog, though...just to let me know that you're showing an interest in me. I promise...I'll try to keep the blog short. I'm probably breaking that promise already. What can I say but...oh wow!
So please...stop back...leave your own comments where applicable and enjoy the view. I will try to keep it pretty for ya!
Until next time...ciao! <---may be spelled wrong...suffer!
Oh yes...I don't know if The Perfect Star will be the final title for this book. I wanted to use The Perfect Star for the URL of this web site so I have to check and see who the heck is using it. Bradley Lore is definitely mine, though. I use that nick everywhere!


Robert D. Meek, Jr. said...

Hi, Mark, my friend.

I'm looking forward to glimpses into your writings.

Blessed be, - Robert.

Bradley Lore said...

Blessed be, Robert...You have the honor of being the first one to post a reply! You take care of yourself and blessed be,