Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mostly About Michael

Well, two days have past and guess what? I'm done with Chapter One! It just really came out pretty easy and I got all the ideas across that I wanted to. I'm very happy about that! Wednesday was a good day.
Today however...not so good. My good friend Michael went in for back surgery this morning and I am still awaiting word on his condition. Michael and I have become very close. I consider him to be family. You see, I don't believe that the family that we were born into is necessarily the family that we were meant to be with. It seems to me that the process of placing babies with families is very random and, that, just because we were born with a certain group of people doesn't necessarily mean we have to stay there. I don't know...lots of people get very lucky in this respect and are born into wonderful families. I, however, was not one of these people. I think that part of the challenge of our journey, for many of us, in life is to seek out those who are truly our family. And I think, when I met Michael, I had found a member of our family. He's like the sister I never had.

Perhaps I should explain. Michael is transgendered. Biologically, he has all his male parts still, but hormonally, yeah...he's a chick! So I'm not sure whether to refer to him as he or she here, so I will probably use the pronouns interchangably. Try to keep up! I said, I'm still waiting to hear if he's okay. I'm hoping that the fact that I haven't heard anything yet is a good sign because, frankly, I don't know what I would do without him. He has proven himself to be a great friend time and time again, helping me out of some of the little scrapes that I have gotten into and buying me chicken soup and Jello when I am sick. He's a very sweet and dear person and I love him to death even though I do tend to bitch at him a lot. Hell! If I didn't bitch, it would mean that I didn't care.
And so...yes...I am worried about the operation and the outcome, but I am not worried about Michael...because I know, that no matter what, he's gonna be just fine. You see, he was in a car wreck a couple of months ago which is, in part, responsible for his current back problem. And he told me that, after getting hit, he thinks he died for a little while and it was very very peaceful and he felt a lot better than he ever had. So...even if the worse happens, I'll know he'll find peace. I would miss him greatly. I would probably shed tears for him. But I would also find solace in the fact that he knows that he's gonna be okay and that it's all right. Regardless of what happens to our bodies in this life, we're all gonna be okay when you think about long as our spiritual energy is strong.
But enough of that...odds are he's gonna be okay. According to another friend, Robert, who was a nurse, the operation is a relatively simple preocedure. So HEY! It's gonna be fine! We're all gonna be fine.I'm sending all my positive energy his way for a speedy and relatively painless recovery. He's my sister!


Robert D. Meek, Jr. said...

Hi, Mark. Last time we talked, you did confirm Michael's surgery went ok, and I just wanted to pass that on, for everyone. - Robert.

whispurr said...

Yes...yes...I haven't been here since then to post on the blog, but yes...he is doing very well. He's in a lot of pain and he'll be in rehab for a week at the hospital.