Monday, February 12, 2007

Okay...It's gonna be a novel first! I am...back again...and so far this web site/blog thingy is re-energizing me to want to work on the book. So mush so that I have made a major decision about a major change in direction. I am going to write it first as a full-blown novel rather than a graphic novel. As I have said before, I have written and re-written the story already, but both of those versions were created with the idea that the words would one day be accompanied by pictures. But now...I would probably be better if I just went ahead and wrote it as a totally fleshed out book first. There are just so many ideas that I want to get across in the book...ideas that could best be expressed by words. It will be a novel for a novel's sake, by golly!

Then...if I decided later that I want to incorporate graphics into it. Fine! I'll end up with two good versions of it! Not a problem at all...and I have all the time in the world.
There's just so much that I want to say spiritually with this book. Things that I think about all the time and mull over in my noggin. Okay...I admit it...I'm very weird for a male of my species. I don't spend all my time thinking about sex!
"What are some of these ideas?" you may ask as you struggle to keep your eyes open. Well...I have several thems that run through this story and I think I'll use this blog to elaborate more on them.
Some central themes to the book are:
1. Magic only works if you let it. This is the idea that the mind is a very powerful thing and that yes...we can control our own energy as well as the energy coming at us. We're never given more than what we can handle in this life, people. It may take some searching to find the answers to our struggles, but they are there. Seek them out!Plus...and this is the hard part...Nobody can really hurt us if we don't let them. Even if someone were to kill us...they don't really kill us...they can't...beacuse they don't control our energy. That is ours and ours alone. But I'm sure I will discuss this theme more later.

2. The New Awareness-This is the idea of looking beyond that which is plain as the nose on your face and seeing all that is truly around you. I don't necessarily mean seeing things with your eyes. It's just more or less be aware of their presence,though, in some cases, I believe things from other realms can be seen perfectly with the naked eye.But there always there. For instance...I believe that faeries, elves and gnomes actually do exist! I'm not saying that I always see them with my eyes, but I feel their presence all the time, dancing around and causing mischief. Editors note: I am not imbibing any kind of alcoholic beverage now nor am I taking any kind of medication, prescription or otherwise. And the last time I smoked anything was 1999. If you're a cop reading this, disregard that last comment.
Hopefully, the statute of limitations is up on that one... my story, the New Awareness refers to a human's ability to see and interact with magical creatures. Once you let go of material things like great and power, you open your mind up to all sorts of incredible wonders. Seriously...try it!
Well heck...this post is getting long again. What do ya want? I call myself a writer!
We'll explore these and other themes more. For now...I gotta get started on The Perfect Star, Version 3.0.
Take care and blesssed be all!